Our online summer programme agreement 2020
This is what we ask of you:
● Please behave respectfully towards session leaders and other platform users.
● Avoid sharing personal information in sessions / via session chat.
● Only share content eg. videos, photos which are relevant to this project.
● Speak to one of the session leaders if you have any concerns or worries.
● Don’t record or take photos of your online sessions unless you have everyone’s consent.
● Try & find a quiet, comfortable space for sessions so you can take part without interruption.
● To get the most out of this experience attend all sessions in the series if you possibly can.
● Let a session leader know in advance if you can’t make it to any of the sessions.
Our commitments to you:
● We will provide a safe online space for you that is fun, empowering & inclusive.
● We will support & encourage your creative learning & engagement.
● We will provide opportunities for sharing your work & celebrating your achievements.
● We will listen to you & be informed by your needs.
Please note:
● If we have any serious safeguarding concerns we will stop sessions immediately.
● If your behaviour is not respectful to leaders or other platform users we may ask you to
leave the session or the entire series of sessions.
● We cannot maintain your confidentiality if we have a concern about your welfare.
HAVE YOU contact:
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Michelle Brace:
Haverhill Town Council’s full Safeguarding Policy is available if requested.