Minecraft Round Up - Let's mod a TNT Launch Pad
This week, we are continuing our 'Redstone Contraption' series and we are making a BIG impact with our latest mod: TNT Launch Pad!

This week, we are continuing our 'Redstone Contraption' series and we are making a BIG impact with our latest mod: TNT Launch Pad!
In this mod, we are using redstone dust to set off a bunch of TNT underneath us. Equipped with an elytra wing, once the TNT is set off we are launched into the air and ready to take flight. This is an amazing way to travel around your Minecraft world - just make sure you are in creative mode or you too will be lost in the explosion! The code is made up of two functions - one which creates the base, places the redstone and sets the water and the other which places the TNT and the torch. Once these functions are called, along with giving the player the elytra wings, everything is built so that the TNT is set off by the redstone and the torch; creating the explosion that launches you into the air!
Let us know how you'd use this in your world? Will you be using it to fly great distances, or will you be placing enemies on the launch pad and sending them off on their way!
Until next time, happy building everyone!